Great Game
0. Hello Bandaro.
1. Good Points:
* Gameplay. The mix of the retro side scrolling games with familiar RPG elements proved to be a nice touch. At first I've been a bit skeptical that the premise was a bit too ambitious but it turned out nice. The addition of several classes definitely increase replayability. A few more skills could have been a plus though.
* Graphics. The graphics were nice. It didn't need to be flashy. It just needed to serve it's purpose. Economical. Great job.
2. (Not so) Good Points:
* SFX. Not remarkable at all. With prolonged exposure, it's kind of annoying.
* Physics. I found some glitches with this one. An enemy doesn't hit the player even at point blank range. Player hits enemy from a long distance. Etc..
3. Bad Points:
* The organization of the user manual / instructions / how to play was just awful. Very disorganized and very confusing. Maybe it could have been color-coded or have utilized several pages to provide a clearer instruction. Any modification would be a plus.
4. Good job.